Jenny lives with her husband, three teenagers and two cats outside Stockholm city centre.

This is the computer programmer that decided on a life-changing career swap and she is  now a full-time author. Something she has dreamt about all her life.

Jenny Jacobsson primarily writes relationship novels with an added touch of excitement and suspense, because this is what she personally prefers to read. She picks up inspiration for her books in everyday events and she says she has nourished a dream of becoming an author her whole life. Not only is she is about to have this second novel published, she has also contributed to 15 different short story collections.

Isa, a 35-year old woman, has recently been dumped by her long-term partner. Suddenly she finds herself childless as she gave up her own wishes and dreams about getting pregnant when her partner Jimmy didn’t want any more children.

Isa now realises what she has sacrificed, and her ovaries are now screaming to be fertilised. One day she finds a post-it note under the windshield wiper of her car, which makes her feel both flattered and curious.

But when the notes slowly turn more and more threatening, panic starts to set in.

Meet Tuva-Li, the guardian angel that usually takes the moral high ground, but now happens to commit a mistake with unimaginable consequences.

Jarild is a banker that harbours a big secret. Should this be revealed, his whole existence would literally fall apart.

And who exactly is Zack, the man Isa picks up on a night out for the sole purpose of satisfying the desperate need of her ovaries?

Working title: "Just around the corner" (loosely translated from the Swedish title "Närmare än du tror") was published in Sweden in January 2018.

A contemporary story about Melissa & Viggo set in a fictitious town in Sweden.

The motto of this book is "Surviving is not relevant, living life, however, is."

Melissa and Viggo are the couple that most people in the neighbourhood envy. She is a beautiful fashion designer, he is a news anchor and together they have it all. But are things really the way they seem from the outside?

Threats and violence are lurking behind the perfectly polished façade. Every evening, when Viggo steps over the threshold into his home, he is effectively treading on eggshells where the slightest of missteps can cause it to break, and Melissa to explode.

The secret next door is Jenny Jacobsson's first book and she when she did her researching for this book researching for this book in 2014 she had a conversation with 'Mansjouren' (a help organisation that focuses on men experiencing domestic violence), where she was told that it is as common for women to physically and psychologically abuse men as it is vice versa. There are already numerous books written about men’s violence towards women, so she decided to write this book to show a different perspective.

"The secret next door" (loosely translated from Swedish title "I ditt kvarter")  was first published in Sweden in April 2017.